Monday, August 4, 2008

Greetings from Raleigh, NC . . . .

Roadtrip Rule #1 - If you eat fast food everyday, your gonna get fat. So don't.
Roadtrip Rule #2 - Don't buy Fiber 1 bars from Costco. They are delicious, but you will lose friends.
Roadtrip Rule #3 - Growing a mustache, regardless of its thickness, is encouraged and perfectly acceptable.

Greetings from Virginia Beach . . .

That's a long board. My goal was to surf today. Instead I spent most of the morning lying on my board waiting for a decent wave. Right when a decent wave was about to curl, I looked to my right, and no more than 20 feet away was a shark fin. I don't get scared too often, but when I saw jaws, I swam so fast that I probably could have qualified for the Olympic team. After crapping myself and then kissing the beach when I got to shore, I turned to see a group of 20 dolphins swimming about 30 feet off the shoreline. Flipper. Jaws. They both have fins that resemble each other. You would have done the same thing.

Our first show is tonight. I am super excited to finally get this tour kicked off. It should be another amazing summer! - unamore